education, inspiration, and empowerment for all

Photo of Mitchell Wong speaking at a conference

They say that greatness is inspiring others to be their best. With over 10 years of mastery in public speaking, my words, emotions, and clear delivery have been perfected to influence crowds of all types and sizes. Whether you need some fresh thought leadership for a symposium or a more intimate discussion on product thinking patterns with a small team, I have the transformative power you need to make a lasting impact and drive positive change.


We hired Mitchell to be our emcee for our year end celebration and could not have been happier with the results. Never have we felt so much energy in the room during a 2 hour company gathering. Mitchell's ability to command the room, captivate the audience, and flow so seamlessly from one activity to the next is truly one of a kind. I witnessed reactions from the audience that I never would have expected to witness at this organization.

Grace, Sr Manager @ Government Agency

need a speaker? let's get started

i have spoken at

Beedie School of Business WorkSafeBC Project Management Institute International Institute of Business Analysis BC Place Britannia Secondary School

You may also book me in as a special guest in your podcast, webinar, and Twitch stream, among other digital platforms. Reach out to get started.